HD 7970 matrix platinum artifacts


Jul 27, 2013
Hi,I've got a lot of artifacts on stock clocks on hd7970 matrix platinum on heavy load of games(BF4,COD Ghosts...).I made a research on google and found that is the Vram the problem. From 6600mhz I downgrade it to 6300mhz at same stock voltage (1.6volt) and I got no artifacts now.Also I try a lot of kind of drivers from asus and amd and is not the drivers the problem.My question is If i stick to 6300mhz vram will my card get damage or the in future get again artifacts on 6300mhz? Should I RMA it? Thanks
Stock clock doesn't necessarily have to be the same as reference clock.

Reference clock = The clock speed set and recommended by the GPU manufacturer, AMD. All cards should run stable at this speed.

Stock clock = Set by the card manufacturer, usually faster than the reference clock. Risk of GPU becoming unstable.
ok,that a good info.The bad is that i pay for the matrix edition and is unstable.How do I know if my card is stable at 6300mhz? I test it with OCCT program(http://www.ocbase.com/) and I get a lot of errors even in 6000 mhz.Is that program reliable?