HD at risk because of unstable sectors & active time at 100%?


Nov 28, 2017
Hi All

I have two HD where in drive C (SSD) i have the OS and in drive D I have most of my games. Havent used my desktop in a while (2 months-ish) and yesterday I boot up tekken 7 and it almost always stutter for in game FMV.

I am not too knowledgeable about computer but noticed that the D drive is almost always at 100% whenever a FMV plays (pic attached). Browsing this site and finding people w/ similar problem like me, I saw a lot of recommendation to run HD Tune which I did although I dont understand what the results means (pic attached, there's a warning for bad sector). Can anyone confirm if the problem is in my drive HDD and if so what are the steps to be taken going forward? thanks so much!


There is no fix/delay for bad sectors. It's a matter of replacing the drive. If you keep using it, it's just a matter of time before it dies completely. Could be a few hours, days, weeks... hard to say for sure.
That means your hard drive is starting to go bad(or technically, it is bad). It will get worse as time progresses. I'd suggest backing up any important data. Looks like it is still early enough though that if you buy another HD, you should be able to do a clone.
Hi Toshibitsu, thanks for the suggestion.

Do you think I can still fix it/ delay it from going bad based on the pic? I still want to use this HD for gaming tbh, I rarely used my desktop anyway..
Also, I've read its worth the shot checking the SATA cable or doing a defrag w/ condusiv, but not sure how applicable it is on my situation