[SOLVED] HD5450 or GT 530 for Windows XP games?

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Tac 25

Jul 25, 2021
First of all, I apologize again to the mods, because made the mistake of mentioning something that breaks forum rules in the other XP thread which is now closed.
this thread only asks for what GPU to use in XP, so I hope this one is safe.

never had the chance to use AMD or Nvidia gpu with XP games. So asking the question now.
I have an HD5450 and GT 530 in hand, got them from the korean store, which of these would be better to use with Windows XP games?
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I had better luck with AMD when running older games, ie running XP era titles under Windows 7. That was with an HD6670.

But when I was actively using XP as an OS I had no issues with an 8800 GTS / GTX 285 / GTX580. Don't think I had an AMD GPU during the XP days, but I had plenty of friends that did.

I would say that the GT530 is likely to be the better performer in any case.
I had better luck with AMD when running older games, ie running XP era titles under Windows 7. That was with an HD6670.

But when I was actively using XP as an OS I had no issues with an 8800 GTS / GTX 285 / GTX580. Don't think I had an AMD GPU during the XP days, but I had plenty of friends that did.

I would say that the GT530 is likely to be the better performer in any case.
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forgot to say. I just realized.. you had a GTX 580 during the Win XP era.. wow, that gpu is beast during that time. Must have played all XP era games easily.

Well I was dual booting at the time. I still had a lot of classic games that only ran well in XP and newer DX10/11 titles running in Windows 7.

It was a bit of a frustration moment. There was a particular mod for Crysis that I was playing at the time and it wasn't performing very well, so I upgraded the GPU to a GTX285 up from an 8800 GTS. Turned out my CPU was the real problem, so I upgraded the whole platform, then wouldn't you know it, the GPU was then underperforming. So why not go out and get a triple slot monster that consumed a (huge for the time) 244W (stock). New power supply and we were off and running. Also at a time I had zero expenses and only income from my first corporate job. Eventually even picked up a second GTX580 and ran SLI, which led to another upgrade of the platform to get proper triple slot spacing. This all happened over the span of about 4 years.
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sorry for late reply. Things got busy the past days.

Crysis sounds familiar, feels like it was a popular game years ago. I have a few questions for you. Would Crysis be able to run with a GT 530, or do I need a stronger gpu? Second question, what are the games you enjoyed the most during the XP era? Asking, so I could try some nice games I've not played during those years. Thanks. :)

It's regrettable that my GTX 460 died to a lightning surge, it would have fit perfectly into this XP pc that I'm building.
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Crysis and FarCry were watershed games. No computer could run it well at launch and it was used as a benchmark for years, A GT530 should be able to run it. Roughly equivalent to the 8800 GTS I tried it with for the first time. I could run the base game (though the GPU ran way too hot for my liking), but that mod was a whole other level of polygon counts. I never really played Crysis itself, there is a modification for Crysis Warhead that turned it into a MechWarrior title (Living Legends, still active, some of the devs from CryTek work on it). Still one of the better gameplay experiences in that genre. I had played all the Mechwarriors, 2, 3, and 4, and 4 Mercenaries (Mechwarrior 5 Mercenaries came out like 2 years ago no, something like a 15 year gap (Though Mechwarrior Online is out there, not quite the same)

CryEngine is still kind of a gold standard for high requirements PC gaming.

XP era, well, I was big into multiplayer first person shooters. So Quake III, Quake III Team Arena, Unreal Tournament, Unreal Tournament III (never really cared for 2k3 or 2k4). But those games don't have campaigns. HalfLife and CounterStrike. Battlefield series, I have more hours in 1942 then I care to admit, that is actually now free to play on Origin though there is basically no anti-cheat system. Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Modern Warfare. There would have been the limited releases of Halo on the PC that I never got into.

Sid Meier's Pirates was always a fun distraction. Tron 2.0 has a good story.

Command & Conquer Generals, Red Alert 3, Sins of Solar Empire, WarCraft III (and the original DOTA mod). Never did play it, but Homeworld was a big title for RTS.

I was big into Eve Online at the time, and that MMO is still out there.
glad to hear that a 530 would be enough for Crysis. Got worried a bit that it won't be enough, since you used a 580. There's no way for me to get a 580, although I could try asking at the korean store if they have another second hand 460 in their inventory.

ok, noted on those games. Thanks again for the info.
glad to hear that a 530 would be enough for Crysis. Got worried a bit that it won't be enough, since you used a 580. There's no way for me to get a 580, although I could try asking at the korean store if they have another second hand 460 in their inventory.

ok, noted on those games. Thanks again for the info.

Enough, not necessarily a good experience. There are a lot of factors to consider and I never owned a 430/530/630 to be able to say much. On paper it has similar performance to an 8800 GTS. And I know my 8800 GTS was at 100% trying to run it, I believe at the time that would have been 1024x768, possibly 1280x1024.
if you don't mind, may I know how much ram your XP pc was running during those days you had an 8800 GTS? So I have more idea on what ram to put on my XP pc.

by not necessarily a good experience.. do you mean there would be lag spikes when there's plenty of things going on in the game? Or some areas of the game will have lag?

anyway, in the worst case scenario that the GT 530 does not work well. I will buy another second hand gpu from the korean store, or if none there.. then will buy a brand new GT 730.
Make sure to get a GDDR5 version of the GT730. Some of the DDR3 versions will be literally identical to a GT530, same GF108 GPU.

The 8800 GTS computer was built with an Athlon 64 X2 6000 and 2GB of ram if I recall correctly. Later added 4GB more for 6GB. Previous computer would have been an Athlon XP 2800+ with a Geforce 6600 and 1GB of RAM.
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update to this thread.

sadly, I have failed to complete this XP project before 2022 ended.

when I came back to the store at the large mall where I buy new gpu's. Their GT 730 are gone. All they have now are 16 series and RTX. So I will be just using the GT 530, and hope Crysis will run in a playable manner,

also failed to secure the pc itself, due to the closure of the two korean used goods stores near the office where I work. The old building where the stores are located.. was being renovated, and their stalls were demolished. I hope their closure is only temporary.

have not given up.
will finish this project when I have an opportunity again.
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