HDD 1TB NEW with plenty of issues

Mar 9, 2018
So I built myself a new computer. Everything is working except the additional HDD I bought (amazon) after receiving it I shut down my PC and unplugged it, hooked it up after installing it in the HDD bay. Booted up the PC and went to go partition it and get it working so I could have more storage than my 120 SSD. It wasn't initialized so I tried to initialize it. Failed, then game I/O error. Turned off the computer and used different cables, tried again, failed. Tried you diskpart to convert to dynamic, said I can't with this version of windows. I only tried that because every other command required a volume (which it had none) and in order to give it a volume it has to be dynamic. Tried making it basic, but in order for that it HAD to be dynamic (based on the error prompts.) At this point I was frustrated so I tried using my multi-boot program to scan the surface for errors, it immediately crashed and subsequent attempts also failed. Downloaded Aoemi and am at 99% (see below picture) and I'm wondering if there anyway to repair or chkdsk a drive that has no letter, cannot be initialized, or mounted (mountvol), or formatted. As a small note diskpart says it cleaned it successfully after I select it, but it says it instantly after the command in entered and I have a hard time believing it can do that to a 1TB HDD without a wait.

EDIT: Forgot to mention computer will not boot with HDD in before hand, cant even get to a select boot menu, my motherboard is b350M pro by MSI.


My HDD is being impossible, does this scan fix it after scanning, is there a program that can do this or a way to make chkdsk work on a letter-less HDD, or should I just get a new one?


That's it huh? Dang. I'll leave this up incase I can get some other alternative. I don't mind having a smaller HDD if I can somehow ignore the bad sectors.

my experience has been that once a drive gets bad sectors it will keep getting more and more bad sectors until failure -- i won't trust it to reliable store information any more and it needs to go.


Your "alternative" is to not RMA, and replace it anyway.
Bad sectors never get better, only worse.

And if you just bought it from Amazon...send that puppy back. Today. Amazon has a very strong 30 policy.
Replace it.
Thanks y'all.