HDD 500GB FAILS AND SHUTS OFF(or something i dont even know)


Jul 23, 2014
Let's start from the begining. I had this hdd as main drive for 4-3 years and then i bought an SSD and had this HDD for 2 years as second drive on my old pc (DDR2 mobo, Q6600, old stuff). Now i got an upgrade on my pc meaning i bought a whole new pc. So i have my SSD as main C: and 2nd driver the HDD as D: . Now here is the problem. Every time i try to do something on the HDD it fails. Install a big game *FAILS store big files *FAILS download with torrent *FAILS.

Now by saying *fails i mean it somehow closes/ shuts off or something. And doesnt re-open. Its like crashing. I tried everything. Went to control panel/power management/advanced/900mins the close. Did nothing! I tried doing this check up on cmd CHPSDK/F or something like that says "Nothing wrong with the driver". I even delete everything on the fcker and still nothing!. No solutions have been found! Anyone?
Typical steps.
Re-connect cables, ensure very tight fit. Try replacing the cables with another cable to test if the cable is the issue.
Is your PSU 500W? if not what is it?
If there is a label on the hard drive tell us what it says.
Try to get me a screenshot of the drive partitions (like I described in my first post)
Is the hard drive making any noise? if so what does it sound like?
Hi, I'm certainly no expert but i will try to offer some help.

When you say fails, does the drive not respond in software or does the drives physically spin down (no noise/vibrations)?

I assume you are running your OS off your SSD, correct? And is the OS windows 7?

Any idea how hot the drive gets when it does fail? Use a program like 'Speccy' to check.

Does the drive make any noise at all? If so what does it sound like?

Check in computer management what the state of the partition is. Find this by clicking the start menu, right clicking 'computer' and clicking 'manage' Then navigate with the menu on the left to Storage>Disk management. Try to send a screenshot of what you see there.
It could be the actual drive is failing. If there is media damage causing a large area of bad sectors that will often cause drives to error out and go offline.

I'd highly recommend backing up anything important to another drive before trying too many things. After you back up, try running chkdisk and check the box to scan for bad sectors. If it passes that scan, the drive is probably fine and it's likely an issue with the motherboard or SATA cable. If it fails it will most likely kill the drive during the chkdisk scan.

+1 for Datamedic

Like he said, if you have anything valuable on the disk left save it onto something else. Then run some kind of bad-sector finding software. Usually these kill the drive if it is failing due to the shear 'stress'. If it comes back clean then it will most likely be driver/OS related which is fixable (most of the time).

First of all thanks for responding both of you. Now i deleted everything on the drive and then i runned the CHKDSK from cmd and said theres is nothing wrong. Afterwards i start downloading with Utorrent and it crashed again.

Afterwards i change the power management to 900 mins and now i can download things alright but cant install nothing. I opened the case and all cables are intact.

My specs if it helps:
CPU: AMD FX-6300
MOBO: Asus M5A97 R2.0
RAM: Kingston HyperX Beast 8GB DDR3-2400MHz ( x2)
SSD (main driver with windows 8.1) : Kingston SSDNow V300
HDD : i dont really know :/
PSU : EVGA 500B Bronze

I use Windows 8.1 . I dont have with games that i installed on C: and transfer them(by pieces every restart ) to the D: .

Hope that helps.
Typical steps.
Re-connect cables, ensure very tight fit. Try replacing the cables with another cable to test if the cable is the issue.
Is your PSU 500W? if not what is it?
If there is a label on the hard drive tell us what it says.
Try to get me a screenshot of the drive partitions (like I described in my first post)
Is the hard drive making any noise? if so what does it sound like?
My PSU is 500W yes. Well i think i fixed it. I think the problem was that i had SSD and HDD share the same power cable(connected successively). Now i believe it works i managed to install some things but im not sure. I ll leave it download and install 24/7 till tomorrow and i ll post results.