Hdd being slow after I bumped my PC hard.


Apr 15, 2014
Hi there! This week I bumped my PC with my knee pretty hard when I went to stand up and it turned my pc off and back on. After this has happened everything that is stored on my HDD is taking a really long time to load and the file image is now gone for all my pictures and is just the default unloaded icon. Now my shadow play won't work because the storage for shadow was on my HDD. I'm just confused ?? Nothing from my HDD says corrupt or damaged but everything that is stored on my HDD takes super long to load 🙁 is there a way I can transfer stuff off this HDD onto a new one a d everything will load fast again or will I have the same problem. Any advice on a fix for this please let me know Thanks!!

Move the entirety of the data to another drive.
Disconnect the potentially bad drive.
Does the problem still exist?

Do you have another drive with sufficient space?
If so, try to copy whatever you can off that suspect drive.

Then, you can start to diagnose what the issue might be.
Thanks guys. Would I need to get ahold of a data recovery service or just get a data recovery program? Like I said all my files are still there but when. I go to open one it takes like 5 mins for it to open when before I hit my PC it would load instantly? But now my shadow play won't save new replays and I'm assuming that's because my HDD is messed up?

Before all that, you need to:

1. Save any data from that drive to some other drive. Just in case.
2. Determine the actual problem

A data recovery company or application will not help if the problem is something completely different.
How would I find the promblem after I save my data? Sorry new to PC problems lol have had my custom build for 3 year's now and haven't had any problems till I banged my knee against it haha smh

Move the entirety of the data to another drive.
Disconnect the potentially bad drive.
Does the problem still exist?