I've a PC that doesn't boot. It have the windows 10 in the only hdd (WD Caviar Green 1TB WD10EARS).
When I boot it the BIOS recognize the HDD but it goes directly to "preparing auto repair" and doesn't do nothing more.
If I try to boot from a bootable USB (windows instalation or EASUS partition Master bootable USB) it doens't boot.
It starts reading the USB and sometimes starts loading the EASUS partition master but it blocks and doesn't do nothing more.
I've already tryed to put that disk on other PC but it is the same thing. BIOS recognize it but it doesn't load neither the windows OS on the SSD neither the bootable USB.
If I remove that HDD everithing works just fine!
Should I buy another HDD or can I get a way for format that crazy HDD ?
Thank you very much and sorry about my poor english.
Ze Pequeno
I've a PC that doesn't boot. It have the windows 10 in the only hdd (WD Caviar Green 1TB WD10EARS).
When I boot it the BIOS recognize the HDD but it goes directly to "preparing auto repair" and doesn't do nothing more.
If I try to boot from a bootable USB (windows instalation or EASUS partition Master bootable USB) it doens't boot.
It starts reading the USB and sometimes starts loading the EASUS partition master but it blocks and doesn't do nothing more.
I've already tryed to put that disk on other PC but it is the same thing. BIOS recognize it but it doesn't load neither the windows OS on the SSD neither the bootable USB.
If I remove that HDD everithing works just fine!
Should I buy another HDD or can I get a way for format that crazy HDD ?
Thank you very much and sorry about my poor english.
Ze Pequeno