I've run into a problem I just can't solve. I am a fairly knowledgeable tech that my family & friends rely on for just about everything. But I can't find a solution for this NAS problem. I have a very extensive collection of DVD's, which I have ripped (backed up) to a "Fleet" of hard drives. I'm talking about eleven (soon to be twelve) Terabyte HDD's. I currently have about six of the most recent ones in a NAS running Windows 7 with no extraordinary problems. The "problem" I would like to solve is two fold: (1) I would like to have ALL my movies available at ALL times. Of course, no MOBO supports that many HDD's, and I am out of PCI slots for SATA cards. (2) Keeping all those HDD's spinning 24/7 consumes (and wastes IMO) a lot of energy AND puts a large load on power supplies, cooling hardware etc. So, here's what I am looking for: Is there a NAS solution out there that would accommodate a large number of physical HDD's and only spin them up when a file on that particular drive is needed. It would be sort of a Carousel kind of solution. Any combination of Hardware & Software is OK (as long as I can afford it). Any ideas? Surely I'm not the only one these days with a need or want like this. Thanks for your help everyone. -Gary