HDD corrupted broken


Jan 28, 2017
so after installing my new ssd a while ago my 1tb hardrive with windows on it seemed to break and not load.So after multiple tries to chkdsk and all that my computer keeps freezing and this point I think its unfixable every fix freezes my computer any help?
no, a hard disk should not go into the garbage, you are supposed to dispose it in the right place, each country has a place ad rules to dispose of old technology and damaged components

take out the platters and destroy them, the rest should be recycled in some way
if the hard disk stops responding while you run checkdisk, the hard disk has problems

is it new under warranty? apply that warranty

to save file stored in it, if possible i would connect it to a working pc and in that pc run photorec or recuva to recover files you might have there if the files and folders are not visible anymore

if hard disk still doesn't work at all, you lost your fie.s if none backup was made before
no, a hard disk should not go into the garbage, you are supposed to dispose it in the right place, each country has a place ad rules to dispose of old technology and damaged components

take out the platters and destroy them, the rest should be recycled in some way