hdd crash/failure with steam.

Jan 28, 2019
i got 2 drives, drive C which is the boot drive. 256 GB ssd. And drive E 2 TB seagate barracuda.
about a week ago, i had another drive (1 tb seagate barracuda) that was about 3 years old. started to crash in games and took a long time to load small files. so i thought i would switch it out, hence why i bought drive E.

Drive E worked fine for the first few hours, installing games from steam. But then suddenly made "diskwriteerror" on all downloads, and chrashed steam now and then, just like the last one, except it didnt take a loooong time to load files in pathfinder.

after it makes the driskwriteerror in steam, windows, seatools and so on, would say there was a major issue with the hardware. and sometimes wouldnt show in device manager. i tried turning steam automatic start off, and it properly functioned with EVERYTHING. Ran seatools tests, windows test, antivirus tests, everything passed with no errors or anything. can even download games from blizzard app and origin with no drops whatsoever.

it functions properly until i begin downloading a game from steam, then it "shuts down" after 1-2 min, showing errors in all the tests and wont download from other sources either. until i reboot the system that is.

i have reinstalled steam (deleting all files except library and steam.exe file and letting it download the rest again)

here is the SMART attributes from speccy https://imgur.com/gallery/SNwumCM

relevant Specs:
Motherboard: MSI X470 GAMING PLUS, socket AM4
Ram: HyperX fury DDR4 3200mhz (2x8)