HDD failed CrystalDiskInfo error 05,C5,C6


Jul 5, 2017
Hello dear people of the Internet.

Original post on linustechtips.com:
"Today I experienced something new. One of my harddrives is acting pretty weird. I have this 1TB drive where I store many of my games and programmes. When I booted up my pc today everything was like normal. Some seconds of boot time since I have a 120GB SSD with my Win10 and when I clicked on the steam shortcut on the desktop I got a message telling me that they couldn't find steam.exe or something like that. Then I checked the file explorer to find steam on the HDD and start it manually, but I couldn't
find the HDD. I found my SSD and my other two harddrives. I can see it in the BIOS so i know that it is properly connected, in the device management it comes up and in task manager it shows that the HDD is used 100%. I can't start any of the programs installed on that hdd and windows is acting weird with some programs like task manager and file explorer shutting down from time to time. I am also annoyed with programs "not responding" when i boot them even when they aren't installed on the weird hdd"

Then I got a reply to dowload and install CrystalDiskInfo and no more answers. In crystaldiskinfo i get a message on my drive saying "Caution" with the errors 05,C5 and C6. Can someone help me resolve this issue.

PS. I read a post on this forum about someone who got that message and they were told to back up the hard drive, but I cant even access it.

Screenshot of the error: https://gyazo.com/fd65f5f8638e73004d28f7bbe263d118

Sounds like the drive is bad, once it gets to the point where you can't even open the files inside it, it is pretty far gone. You can try another SATA cable or port, try getting to the files using a Linux boot disk and copy them to a backup drive. If nothing works you can try running a disk recovery utility called ddrescue which will attempt to clone the failing drive to a good drive while making several attempts to copy sectors with issues. This may take days to run through and is not always successful, but it can often get most files saved.
Sounds like the drive is bad, once it gets to the point where you can't even open the files inside it, it is pretty far gone. You can try another SATA cable or port, try getting to the files using a Linux boot disk and copy them to a backup drive. If nothing works you can try running a disk recovery utility called ddrescue which will attempt to clone the failing drive to a good drive while making several attempts to copy sectors with issues. This may take days to run through and is not always successful, but it can often get most files saved.