HDD Initialization Failiure


Dec 15, 2016
Hello there,
I'm running a 3TB toshiba DT01ACA300 hdd with a separate 128GB Corsair SSD setup.
One night, my computer could not access files off of my HDD. It then proceeded to boot up slowly and freeze, and, to my alarm, the HDD drive did not appear under My Computer. It pops up in device manager/disk manager as uninitialized. When I try to initialize it, it takes 20 mins, and ends up saying the drive could not be found, and it disappears off of device manager/disk manager. When I restart, it's back again. I've plugged it in to another computer with the same results.
PS I ran a SMART check on it and it has 300 bad sectors, not sure if that's relevant.

I've got two thousand pictures, all of my code, movies and games on that thing! Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi there Adam_177,

That is really unpleasant.

Taking into consideration all the troubleshooting you've performed, I believe you have several options:
- As the data stored on the drive is extremely important, the best thing you can do is to take the drive to a data recovery company.
- If you don't really want to go with the previous option, you can run some data recovery tools on the drive. There are many threads on that in the community. Also, you can try to access it under Ubuntu: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/267999-32-recover-data-mode
- RMA the drive if under warranty. You will not get your data though.

D_Know_WD :)
so it died, you need to check your disk quality more frequently with things like disk checkup. then you would be able to save your important data before your hdd dies, or you could have multiple copies of the files on multiple hard drives.

anyways there are services that get data from dead hdd's or you can try doing it yourself just google: getting lost data from dead hdd.

Hi there Adam_177,

That is really unpleasant.

Taking into consideration all the troubleshooting you've performed, I believe you have several options:
- As the data stored on the drive is extremely important, the best thing you can do is to take the drive to a data recovery company.
- If you don't really want to go with the previous option, you can run some data recovery tools on the drive. There are many threads on that in the community. Also, you can try to access it under Ubuntu: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/267999-32-recover-data-mode
- RMA the drive if under warranty. You will not get your data though.

D_Know_WD :)