[SOLVED] HDD is very slow when writing

Jan 29, 2019
Tried a lot of different tests but they all show that hdd is fine, but it is not working properly when i am trying to write something on it. I have a lot of screenshots from different software about my hdd below this text. Disk active time stays at 100% when even something very small is writing to it. But reading from it have no problems at all. Only writing. I don't know what to do. Bought disk this summer. Please, help with this matter

I have all info about disk here

If something more needed, please, tell me and i will provide it.
That seagate drive is likely a SMR drive. They are not good for write/erase. It's great for storing data long term and reading it. I wouldn't recommend benchmarking a SMR drive at all.

If it's close to being full and you are trying to write/erase/write to it then it's going to suck really bad.

Most of seagates new external drives are SMR and their barracuda drives. I'd recommend the ironwolfs if you don't want the SMR non-sense. SMR is great for hoarding media long term. $/TB adds up if you want to build a large pool with some fault tolerance. New SMR drives can be found on sale for $20-22/TB. Ironwolfs on sale are $27-32/TB
That seagate drive is likely a SMR drive. They are not good for write/erase. It's great for storing data long term and reading it. I wouldn't recommend benchmarking a SMR drive at all.

If it's close to being full and you are trying to write/erase/write to it then it's going to suck really bad.

Most of seagates new external drives are SMR and their barracuda drives. I'd recommend the ironwolfs if you don't want the SMR non-sense. SMR is great for hoarding media long term. $/TB adds up if you want to build a large pool with some fault tolerance. New SMR drives can be found on sale for $20-22/TB. Ironwolfs on sale are $27-32/TB

Problem is that when i bought it, i had no problem with writing something at decent speed. Now it is writing with speed 2mb\s which often drop to 1 and 0 during lag spikes. But thanks anyway, i will consider buying non SMR bullshit. Never heard about this category before but now i understand some more
Well, just in case, I would start looking for a new HDD. The write speed being that low usually means the HDD is dying. Run Crystal Disk to see if the drive is still healthy, and if so, then the drive is probably an SMR drive.