[SOLVED] HDD labeled as "caution" on CrystalDiskInfo

May 10, 2019
My HDD has been freezing lately so i decided to run a test. It says multiple errors and i dont know if it is about to die or if i can so something about it

All drives die eventually. Some sooner than others.
Yours might last another 5 years. Or it might die as I'm typing this.

What steps have you taken to preserve your data?
about 306 days of 24 hour usage, or, 900 days of 8 hours per day....(Given the power-on count of 400, will assume about 13 months old, powered on/shutdown once per day, roughly? Perhaps it might still be under warranty? CHeck with WD!)

Was/is it a Black drive, or Blue?
All drives die eventually. Some sooner than others.
Yours might last another 5 years. Or it might die as I'm typing this.

What steps have you taken to preserve your data?
I don't really have any data i care about on this drive is just that all my programs are there

about 306 days of 24 hour usage, or, 900 days of 8 hours per day....(Given the power-on count of 400, will assume about 13 months old, powered on/shutdown once per day, roughly? Perhaps it might still be under warranty? CHeck with WD!)

Was/is it a Black drive, or Blue?
The pc is pre-build but i just checked and the drive still has the warranty, however i just did another test on the "WD data lifeward diagnostic" and the results said the HDD passed both test

View: https://imgur.com/a/FIXJWh6
it's curious that some/any of WD's software tools say it's OK, but, if CrystalDiskInfo is showing reallocated/uncorrected sectors (6D hex is 109 sectors, far past the 'we can perhaps forgive one reallocated sector' guidelines) it's pretty much time ...to finally price/buy your SSD of your choice...(you are free to choose between the 860 EVO or MX500, your choice!) :)