HDD making scratching noises


Feb 12, 2015
Hey guys, so i just bought this computer month ago and i noticed when i touch the table with my arm my hdd makes noise, i checked and it is tightened as it should be and nothing else is touching it. So yesterday when i turned on the computer there was noise coming out of it, quiet but enough to drive you crazy. It sounds like some metal is touching moving parts. And no it is not writing anything it is on idle. So i run the benchmarks on HD Tune PRO and i got this.

1. http://i.imgur.com/4MtDShB.png

2. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10997136_1056257991057844_1684208763_n.jpg?oh=d8c4e99ef838f9aa6e64e7d84cfb5169&oe=54DF2797&__gda__=1423883939_fac14227e870071115a9890ae9d2ed03

I still have warranty on this HDD so do i get a new one ? Is this one damaged?
Hi there armin28,

These down slopes do not look good. What does the 'Health' tab show?(it is on the right of Benchmark)
Also, it may be a good idea to test the drive with a brand specific tool and see whether it will pass the test. If the results show something wrong, you can contact the manufacturer's Support and eventually RMA the drive.

Hi there armin28,

These down slopes do not look good. What does the 'Health' tab show?(it is on the right of Benchmark)
Also, it may be a good idea to test the drive with a brand specific tool and see whether it will pass the test. If the results show something wrong, you can contact the manufacturer's Support and eventually RMA the drive.

First thing i will do is back up your data.

hdd have moving parts and its normal for it to make a bit of sound but if the sound is getting louder than normal, time for a reformat and let it checked for bad sector. Hdd can be RMA for bad sectors as long as within warranty. Best to contact your hdd manufacturer and fill up RMA form

Here is health tab:

Also when i turn on the computer i sometimes hear some noise that goes like "klouub". I dont know if that is coming from HDD or other moving parts.
So i performed Long Generic test with Sea Tools and it passed, SMART passed everything passed. But i am still worried about those down slopes that are shown on benchmark test. The sound comming from HDD is like there is something very tiny on moving parts and the arm is grinding on them. Yesterday i opened internet explorer ( don't ask me why ) and HDD went crazy, those sounds were really loud.