HDD not detected?


Nov 7, 2013
So I finished building my computer, and soon as I go to the storage configurations in my BIOS, it says my HDD is not detected.

The HDD is attached to the SATA 3_5 slot, with it attaches to the HDD with the smaller L shaped connector.

Although, there is a 2 pin type of connector and a long L shape hook. I have a cable on my PSU which connects to the long L, but I'm not sure if that's required.
So is the 2 pin required? If so, I can't bloody the cable anywhere.
Okay, although, a couple of questions.
Okay, if I have the Long L , which is connected to the PSU, I must also have the shorter L which connects to the SATA3 ports on the Motherboard right?
And I assume the 2 pin connector is for LED status?
Okay, while the BIOS does not seem to detect it, Windows 8.1 detects it as,
"Drive 0 Unallocated Space" (Correct Storage Size)
Saying that though, I cannot install Windows 8.1 onto the HDD because my BIOS does not allow it to boot, and says that i should ensure that my disk controller is enabled on the BIOS
Ah ok see if AHCI is enabled in the BIOS. It maybe talking about this. If its disabled, enable it

This Drive 0 Unallocated Space" (Correct Storage Size) I would say means you have to format it first. Then it should work. If you're trying to install windows on it, format it in the setup screen

After you boot from the windows DVD

What version of windows, if this is the bootdisk will you be installing?