HDD not showing in BIOS or OS with new Mobo/CPU.


Oct 26, 2015
I've recently upgraded to a Skylake (6700K with ASUS Maximus 8 Hero mobo) and my old HDD is failing to show in either the BIOS or the OS.

When I first started the new rig and booted up, all was fine, HDD was accessible and could run the usual stuff from there.
I then installed the drivers relating to the new hardware and since then, I cant access it at all.

I can hear it spin up and down, sometimes it makes a clicking sound, but not 100% of the time.

The HDD in question is NOT my boot drive, I was using it as storage.
The model is an old Samsung HD103SJ 1000GB 3.5” SATA, about 6years old at the minute.
Never had any issues, was never physically damaged or anything, just no access since I installed the drivers.
I did uninstall all except the Chipset drivers with no improvement on results.

Is there any possible solution to this?
Since I can hear the drive spin up and down, Im assuming its still healthy, just something wrong somewhere along the line.

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit OS (if that makes any difference).
I did notice the BIOS that was preloaded on the mobo was 0508 (As far as I could tell, this is Win 8 only) so I updated it to the latest Win 7 one, 1001.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

Hopeful lurker.
Hi there Shanous,

The fact that the drive spins down, clicks and is not recognized even by BIOS is not a really good sign.
Have you tried something simple as just using different SATA and power cables? In case you haven't, you can try that. Also, you can attach it to another port.
In order to be 100% sure whether all of this is related to drivers or your HDD, you can just attach it to a different system.


I have the same issue with the Asus Z170 Pro Gaming mobo and the same HDD Samsung HD103SJ. The HDD does not appear in bios. Actually, it did about 3 times if I remember well. But after reboot it was gone again. But when it did appear, the disk worked flawlessly in Windows 10.
Other disks (SSD samsung and prehistoric HDD Seagate) works without any issue. When the HD103SJ does not appear in bios, it also does not spin.

I have updated bios, changed settings in bios, tried different cables, all without any success. I tried the HD103SJ in other PC and it was recognized without any issue. The disk seems to be ok.

I checked the Z170 PRO GAMING Devices Report and the HD103SJ is listed as supported product.
I tried to update firmware on the HD103SJ, but I think it dint happened because its not recognized by the bios.
There must be some compatibility issues among the HD103SJ and the Asus bios.

I don´t see any solution to this issue, but to wait for new bios to be released, hoping this was addressed.

I just sent an email to ASUS technical support. Ill let you know if they come up with something.




I just received an answer from the Asus customer support.
They think it is a compatibility issue between the motherboard and the disk.

They recommended to use different disk 🙁

From the answer it doesn't seem like this issue bothers them much, so I´m going to follow their advice.


Stana 99