HDD not working and making weird noise.


Mar 3, 2013
Hi there.
My fairly new WD 750Gb Elements usb3.0 portable hard drive stopped working suddenly. Ran out of warranty 1 month ago. It is recognised by device manager but doesnt show up in disk management properly. For instance, when i initialise disk, it says the request failed due to a fatal hardware device error. Below is a link to a you tube video i uploaded which shows the weird sound it makes. Turn volume up.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af3OFsPBSlw&feature=youtu.be Any ideas? Thanks.
If you're trying to repair the drive to use it again, you're out of luck. The drive will never fully work again. It sounds like the heads are stuck to the platters.

If the data isn't that important and you can afford to lose it, you can try opening the drive and spinning the spindle with a torx screwdriver until the heads get back to the ramp. Just be sure to use a continuous motion without starting and stopping during the process. Afterward you might be able to retrieve some files (might).

If the data is important and can't be rebuilt, you'll want to have a professional handle it.