HDD not working

Ahmed AlKarbi

Jan 10, 2014
hi guys ,

this is my pc specification http://pcpartpicker.com/parts/partlist/

i carried my Pc with me in the car everything fine and what's so ever ..

when i arrived my destination , i tried to carry it .. out of sudden the Seagate 3tb HDD fall but wasn't that heavy i dunno how it fell because it was closed the case !! and i closed it by the key in Thermaltake Level 10 GT Battle Edition ATX Full Tower Case. so it's weird it fell .

then i returned the HDD where it was and turn on the pc .. the pc working everything but there is weird sound coming from the hdd and then it goes away !!! does that mean it's broken ?? or can't be fixed ? i dunno how to identify it :) and i can't find it in information system. and i didn't assemble this PC

Please help :) .. thank you :)

>< i just bought it pff not even 2 months ^^ .. so no warranty for it ?? and how to back up any data ?? where to back up it anyways.

i'm sure it's not cause of the falling ..