Depends on storage requirements and budget. For myself a 500gb SSD is plenty for the OS and the games I'm currently playing. When I was playing Skyrim a lot though I ended up getting a 1TB HDD due to the game+DLC+mods exceeded 500gb.
All personal preference.
All my main house systems are SSD only. The only spinning drive is an 11 year old low end Toshiba laptop, and the 50TB spinning drives in or attached to the NAS box.
All PCs, SSD.
If your budget meets, no reason for a spinning drive.
(of course, you've budgeted for a backup space, right?)
Depends on storage requirements and budget. For myself a 500gb SSD is plenty for the OS and the games I'm currently playing. When I was playing Skyrim a lot though I ended up getting a 1TB HDD due to the game+DLC+mods exceeded 500gb.
Just depends on your needs and what your using the PC for.
Right now I have 3X 500GB SSD's and a 1, 2, and 3TB hard drive. Along with a 1TB external drive and a hot swap bay.
For a gaming PC I would probably go for a 250 / 500GB SSD for the OS and programs with a 1TB SSD for your main games and would probably add another 1TB hard drive for lesser played games and regular storage. This would also depend on the amount of space it takes for your games.
For a work PC that you need a lot of storage and rendering about the same thing but would use the 1TB SSD for the work and you might need a larger hard drive depending on how much you store.
Also if your doing work related stuff make sure to buy something to back up your work!