[SOLVED] HDD Soft ECC Correction Rate

Sep 2, 2020
recently I scanned my HDD with S.M.A.R.T just to be sure its working. Everything is in green just as i expected. Only the Soft ECC Correction Rate is red with a value of 120. I didnt find anything online about a high value. Thanks for help.
recently I scanned my HDD with S.M.A.R.T just to be sure its working. Everything is in green just as i expected. Only the Soft ECC Correction Rate is red with a value of 120. I didnt find anything online about a high value. Thanks for help.
To be sure it isn't a false positive, I recommend searching the drive manufacturer's website for their diagnostic tools. If it reports problems, then I would recommend transferring your data ASAP and replacing.


recently I scanned my HDD with S.M.A.R.T just to be sure its working. Everything is in green just as i expected. Only the Soft ECC Correction Rate is red with a value of 120. I didnt find anything online about a high value. Thanks for help.
To be sure it isn't a false positive, I recommend searching the drive manufacturer's website for their diagnostic tools. If it reports problems, then I would recommend transferring your data ASAP and replacing.