HDD to SSD ... is it possible ?


Sep 28, 2016
I bought a laptop ( Lenovo IdeaPad Y700 ) and it contains a 1 TB HDD and 128 GB SSD.
The storage of the SSD are 97.20 GB for Windows 10 and 20 GB for the recovery.
I need to increase the storage of the Windows Partition (C) from the 1 TB HDD to SSD
to raise the storage to 250 or 300 GB. (need to move some space from HDD to SSD ).
So, is it possible? if yes, how?
if no , what should I do to raise it?
Note: Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language installed originally came with the laptop so I can't get it back if I lost it other than the recovery.

So before you start screwing with drive space, partitions, etc, you use whatever functionality Lenovo gives you to create your own Factory Reset DVD or USB.
Create that, label it, and stick it in a drawer.

Then we can move on to exactly what you are trying to do here.

I know it is a way but i don't want to lose the original copy of the windows.

So before you start screwing with drive space, partitions, etc, you use whatever functionality Lenovo gives you to create your own Factory Reset DVD or USB.
Create that, label it, and stick it in a drawer.

Then we can move on to exactly what you are trying to do here.
Ah, now I understand what you meant by "move space." You have 2 options:

1. If customization so far not important, follow Lenovo instruction to RESTORE TO FACTORY, the restore media should be on a DVD, a Flash drive, or the Internet. You swap the SSD, run RESTORE and the OS will be installed anew on the new SSD.

2. Otherwise you can use a croning utility to copy the current OS, exactly as is, onto your HD. The croning utility needs to boot from a Flash, I recommend Macrium (free). Swap the SSD, run the Croner, and restore SAVED image HD --> new SSD.

There are of course more details but nobody can give your step-by-step. If you are not comfortable doing this, I recommend taking to an outfit like the Geek Squad.
why dont you just clone the drive that has windows installed (128GB SSD) to the 256GB SSD use something like esus partition manager to then resize the partition of the OS drive to take full advantage of the space? unless thats what you meant above ^

And where did he say he has a 256GB SSD?
Maybe I missed it.

lmao opps well if going from 128GB SSD to the 1TB is what he's referring to then if theres data he wants preserved on that maybe get another drive to dump the data then clone and resize and put the data back