HDD vs SSD with 16 Gigs of RAM


Oct 6, 2015
Hey guys,

I'm wondering if I need an SSD if already have a WD Cavier Blue 1 TB HDD that runs at 7200 RPM. I also have 16 gigabytes of RAM and an i7-4790k already, and my friend said that the more RAM you have, the less of an impact the SSD makes.

Thanks a bunch,

Just get yourself a 120 SSD for your OS and then have the HD for...
Hi Yoshi,

You will notice a huge increase in overall system performance with a SSD. The load times for games as well as every other program your machine can run will be much improved. With a processor like you have I would highly recommend getting an SSD if you can.

The 120GB and 250GB models have come down in price significantly over the past year, and you can pick up a great 250GB SSD like the Samsung 850 EVO for $90. Here's a link to take a look:


+1 to what was said. I don't know where this myth of RAM diminishing the results of an SSD upgrade but its come up a few times here and its simply not true. RAM will improve performance if you run off your HDD (since windows pagefile can be smaller) but not anywhere near enough to diminish what an SSD can do.

Totally false. Ask your friend to show some verifiable results, instead of parroting untrue speculation.
And yes, you should really invest in an SSD.

Okay so should I get an SSD just, to put my OS on, and have a 1 TB HDD for mass storage? Or should I spend $180 on a 500 GB SSD?

Just get yourself a 120 SSD for your OS and then have the HD for everything else.

Of course a 500 GB ssd will give the most performance, however it will be at the cost of a large amount of space. The OS on the SSD with HD for storage and software combo is the best value.

It depends on what OS you are running on. A 120GB SSD running Windows will soon run out of space - I've been nursing my 64GB SSD for quite a while and about to replace it with a 250GB SSD. With Windows updates, page file and the fact that most S/W you install rarely gives an option where you want it installed so will end up on the SSD. And of course the SSD with a HD for user accounts andinstalled S/W that does give a choice where it goes will only show a speed improvement for OS boot.

While I agree 64gb is too small (I tried!), I have been running a 120 GB SSD holding just Windows, Office, email, browsers, Programming tools, Photoshop, and Sony Vegas for years and I still have 40gb free. I've never run into a piece of software in my life that didn't let me pick where to put it.

While you don't have as much speed benefit having programs on the HDD, running them with the OS on the SSD still gives you gains as any drivers, kernels, etc all run way faster (and your pagefile is way faster which windows uses no matter how much ram you have).

I thought Windows 10 only takes up around 32 Gigabtyes??



Well 120 gb drive, 111 after formatting, -32 is 79gb, then I have a bunch of programs that probably take up about 35 gb so that gets us to around 40. Also I bet windows updates take up space, maybe I need to clear some of those out, also the windows page file which is usually equal to your ram, 16 gb in my case.