HDMI ( from pc's video card) to a VGA monitor (no hdmi/DVI)


Oct 5, 2015
I'am really confused now. I just bought a DVI adapter wanting to have a dual display for my pc since I alreay upgraded. I have 2 VGA (only) monitors, but my GPU has 1 DVI-D/1 VGA (that i currently use to run one monitor now) and 1 HDMI slot.

I was wondering if I can use an adaptor to hook up my GPU's HDMI slot to a VGA monitor for the display. I was doing some googling and I found out that t he one I tried before; the DVI-D to a VGA won't work.
I was told too, that getting a converter box like this (from google) http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GUDRV1W?psc=1

and the one I found on my nearest shop for pc's was this

Would this actullay work? The second one? OrI should just give up and get an HDMI-HDMI monitor?

Thanks in advance.

Chaos Marine

Apr 12, 2009
Okay, what you're trying to do will not work. HDMI is digital where VGA is entirely analogue. There are three different kinds of DVI. DVI-I, DVI-D, and DVI-A.

DVI-I and DVI-A have three rows of pins and a spade connector to the right side with two pins above and below the spade. DVI-D lacks the pins above and below the spade. DVI-I has the necessary connections to cover both analogue and digital connections.

VGA is being more aggressively phased out nowadays so most GPUs won't come with a VGA port, instead having a DVI-I port in which you need to use a DVI-I to VGA adapter. You can not go from HDMI to VGA through DVI adapters. Not without a powered translation box. I would generally not recommend HDMI to VGA converters that are too cheap because honestly, they'll stop working sooner rather than later. You do get what you pay for.


Oct 5, 2015

I basically need a DVI-D to DVI-I? Is there something like that? I don't have any idea too since I'm new to this one. I only use my HDMI slot and the VGA one on every monitor I had since.

My gpu has DVI-D Dual slot, 1 HDMI slot and one 1VGA
Basically, its a MSI-750ti OC on 2gb.
My monitor was two VGA only monitors.

Would the box w/ the converter work? This one: http://www.amazon.com/Generic-Adapter-Converter-Laptop-NoteBook/dp/B007PLL4CK/ref=cm_cd_al_qh_dp_i
I just need to get a high-end one?

Chaos Marine

Apr 12, 2009
A DVI-I socket will take DVI-D or DVI-A. It has the necessary pins to work both HDMI and VGA. A DVI-A or DVI-D cable will fit into a DVI-I socket. If both your DVI sockets are DVI-D then you can't go to VGA, again not without a powered converter box.


Oct 5, 2015

I'm really lost, sorry.

Again, I have two adaptors here present:
One, a DVI-D that fits my GPU's DVI slot, since she has a DVI-D.
This one; http://www.taspro.com.au/image/cache/data/dvi-d-dual-link-m-m-cable-5m-648986923-500x500.jpg
Another, a DVI-I that I bought not realizing it won't fit my GPU's DVI slot.
This one https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR7GiaPcWwaX6xunE9_SHzeieWBFynx7aSE0WWJL52RrMOWCd2kKg

Now, I need a converter powered box that switches a DVI-D coming from my GPU to be able to hook up my VGA monitor as a dual display option? Am I correct? Something like this one; http://g03.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB182T0IXXXXXXTXVXXq6xXFXXXi/-font-b-DVI-b-font-font-b-DVI-b-font-D-font-b-DVI-b.jpg

Chaos Marine

Apr 12, 2009
Okay, DVI-I can give out and take in both analogue and digital signals. So DVI-I can be adapted to either VGA or HDMI. DVI-D will only work with HDMI and DVI-A will only work with VGA. I wouldn't worry about dual links at the moment. The only thing you need to know is that DVI-D cannot be used with VGA. If your GPU has DVI-D and HDMI and VGA, you can either have one analogue screen or two digital screens.