HDMI re Triple Monitor--all Work, but Not Together


Feb 2, 2011
Running a Gigabyte GA 880GM-D2H motherboard about 6 year years old. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128816&cm_re=880GM-D2H-_-13-128-816-_-Product

More detailed at http://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/GA-880GM-D2H-rev-1x#ov

Per design: I should be able to run EITHER the dvi or the hdmi with the VGA connector but not the dvi or hdmi together. Operationally: I can run the dvi and VGA together but running the VGA with the HDMI connected to my HDTV produces only a mirrored display with only one monitor showing in my "Screen Resolutions" control panel.

The HDMI plays on TV just fine when by itself but won't play with the VGA connector being used. Plugging in the dvi connector produces a black screen on both monitors.

I have reloaded the drivers that came with the motherboard with no change in behavior. I have downloaded various HDMI audio and display adapters from the Web with no joy.

The Gigabyte website has a several driver updates for this board which were "hard to find" but eventually did. They restored some but not all functionality.

XXXXXXXX ----- and HEY---->> ITS WORKING NOW!!!!!!

to support this question I re-ran the update driver package from Gigabyte website a THIRD TIME....it presented a new screen not seen before to make a custom install of the drivers even though everything was working as should be.

Third time was the charm. I've seen this fairly often.... like the system needs to "warm up" to the software" or go thru a hard reboot or two for all the settings to take effect?

Anyway......no complaints now, and I think I even know what I did.

Patience..... and do everything "again." this might be "general advice?"
..........and like many here, no hdmi sound on the hdtv but sound is in synch thru my desktop speakers connected to computer.

Hmmm.... let me unplug them.................................no... still no sound. Maybe I have to reboot the computer three times?

..........also, I have tried 2-3 different hdmi sound driver updates none of which worked at the time....but I'll find them and install them again. Will report back if I get the sound...and I'll review the forum for answers as well.

........................ Its a process.