HDMI Suddenly stops my mouse and keyboard


Dec 1, 2015
So, I just decided to hook a couple years old tv to my pc and The screen is a little messed up, but that is fixable IF my mouse and keyboard worked. Like, I use the regular blue connector (honestly cant remember for the life of me what it is called) and the mouse and keyboard work perfectly but the second i restart my computer with the hdmi plugged into my graphics card, my keyboard and mouse get power but I am not capable of moving anything. I just stare at a blank screen with my vpn and skype loading lol
So to clarify a bit, when I'm using my computer regularly with just the VGA connector plugged into the tv, I am capable of doing all the things that anyone else can do on their computer. Screen is there mouse moves, keyboard works. Everything is fine, until i decide to switch the vga to HDMI. Now the screen does show up, everything loads perfectly. The screen is a little displaced but It's possible to fix that. The problem I'm having is that when my HDMI is plugged in, my mouse and keyboard don't work. They still get power, they both light up, it's just that they aren't able to move or type. I don't know what could actually cause this to be honest but I'm hoping you all have a helpful hint for me.