HDMI to VGA adapter: impacts performance?


Jun 3, 2014
I got a new computer which has a GTX 1060, so the ports are HDMI, DP and DVI-D. My monitor has only VGA, so I needed to buy an adapter which transforms a digital signal into an analog one: an HDMI-VGA adapter (See images). It quite a device and it needs powering via USB.

I am just worried this workaround for my monitor situation impacts performance on graphics display. Does this setup hurts performance? If so, how and how much?

Thanks in advance.
Active converters can add latency(can't convert the signal instantaneously) so this can have a negative impact. Your only other choice is to buy a new monitor. I say grab a converter and try it out if you don't like it start looking for another monitor, atleast with the converter you can still use it as a 2nd monitor when you get a new one.

This will NOT work, the 10 series does not support VGA out over DVI-I. He needs an active converter like the one listed above.

Many active converters do require external power. Even the one in your link comes with a usb cable to power the device.


That will not work in a DVI-D port. DVI-D does not carry an analog signal like DVI-I, and that adapter is not capable of converting a digital signal to an analog signal.
Active converters can add latency(can't convert the signal instantaneously) so this can have a negative impact. Your only other choice is to buy a new monitor. I say grab a converter and try it out if you don't like it start looking for another monitor, atleast with the converter you can still use it as a 2nd monitor when you get a new one.

Got it, guess that's why I don't see one supplied with the 1080