HDMI - VGA screen problem help pls


Jan 10, 2016
I connected a HDMI to the TV, and a VGA to the computer screen. Both of them are connected in the same graphic card.

What happens is a blank screen appear(computer) when i disconnect hdmi(tv), even when VGA is connected.
The computer screen says: " signal out of range".

What can I do ??
Maybe your TV have a button called INPUT, click there. I have same system, (DVI for PC / HDMI for decoder TV) and, when i disconnect one, the TV says the same and i click there and i can see the output for DVI.

In your case, check disconnecting VGA, and reconnect.

I think is different, what I wanted to say is that, when I disconnect hdmi the computer screen says: " signal out of range". But it isnt connected to it, it is to another one(VGA)

You have VGA and HDMI. You disconnect and you get "signal out of range" BUT, the VGA still connected? If yes, that is what i mean.

[strike]sorry for the english D:[/strike]