HDTV Antenna - Delaware

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Apr 18, 2016
I live in wilmington, DE (zipcode 19808) and bought an antenna but am not picking up ABC or FOX. I am using the Antenna Direct Element with a amplifier. Any suggestions?
thing is whats good for him may not for you like he stitting just right on a high hill your in a low spot you got more tress around to deal with and same for power lines

thing I see from digital signal is it takes veary little to disrupt the signal

like say I could watch abc with out issue but if I stand I a certin part of the room I lose it until I move back where I was and its back fine and dandy

so far all I see is luck and a lot of antenna twisting and placements

like in one place I cant get nbc or fox move the antenna and I now get nbc and fox but lose daystar and cbs or how ever the combination works out

thing is I never had to deal with anything like I do when it was analog as I do now with this...
all I know is in my area digital tv sucks over the old analog - don't get near all stations I once did if the wind blows just right ones I get can get broken signal or no signal .

I tried several antennas I guess I need to invest back in to a 45/60 mile but kinda scared to spend more on something that so far has not worked out on the rest I been trying ,just sucks


so far all then so called digital antennas just don't cut is matter of fact a cheap 8 buck rca rabbit ear antenna I had from dollar general works the best I get everuthing but pbs , but still may nee to ''twist it around depending on atmospheric conditions day to day

our government screwed us good on that analog to digital deal [opinion]

I was going to try the Channel Master Advantage 100 next. Any luck with that one?
looks like the same type antenna as I linked as a example

my old one still back during the analog days was up about 30' and fell over and got bad damaged so I never got to use it form digital use ??

all I know all them so called digital antennas like these for example


just don't cut it like I said this for me has been the best so far with the above style antennas booster hooked inline with it ??


I don't know after all the 20 bucks here and 60 bucks there on things that did not work out so well its had to go spend another 100 bucks just to get the same results . but then I maybe missing the boat not doing so ???

and with them rabbot ears all I seen not to get tis pbs now [so I called that good]

Yes, I did check the map. And Antenna Direct recommended the Element. Was hoping to contact someone in my area who knew of a good antenna for the area.

thing is whats good for him may not for you like he stitting just right on a high hill your in a low spot you got more tress around to deal with and same for power lines

thing I see from digital signal is it takes veary little to disrupt the signal

like say I could watch abc with out issue but if I stand I a certin part of the room I lose it until I move back where I was and its back fine and dandy

so far all I see is luck and a lot of antenna twisting and placements

like in one place I cant get nbc or fox move the antenna and I now get nbc and fox but lose daystar and cbs or how ever the combination works out

thing is I never had to deal with anything like I do when it was analog as I do now with this digital mess -if it rains = make adjustments or loose a channel - if the wind blows a certain way = make adjustments or loose a channel

like now everything in my area is coming in but PBS and the funny thing with that is it shows to be broadcasting off the same broadcast antenna as our local NBC station ??? so what gives with that??

maybe se what your local walmart offers on that Channel Master Advantage 100 type antenna try it out if no good just return it back to walmart for refund or trade for something else they got to try


wish I could tell you better but I got tired of throwing good money after bad and a 8 buck set of rabbit ears seems to do the best job gets all but that darn PBS
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