Head crash help


Nov 5, 2013
My little girl knocked our western Digital passbook hard drive from my husbands hand and it fell a short distance onto a tiled floor then wouldn't work. We have taken it to three companies, including disclabs in Tamworth, but they have been unable to recover the data. When they try to read the drive with a donor drive it damages the donor drive. I was diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago at the age of 37 when my daughter was 9 months old. The hard drive contained all the photos I had taken to try to persevere memories of the time I had with my little girl so that when I'm not here she can look back and see how much her mummy loved her. Please, please is there anyone who might be able to help me recover my photos?
Very distressing for you, but I fear there is nothing you can do. Too bad you didn't take the wise precaution of keeping backup copies on another hard drive, something which is absolutely essential, even more so since digital photography became so popular, and especially since external drives are much more prone to physical damage (being dropped) than internal ones.
Yeah thanks for the comment Phillip. I guess I have to expect replies like yours even though they make me more upset. My husband was in charge of our digital photos - self appointed. It has caused huge arguments between us him not having them backed up. We are still married but only just!! Please can people reply with any help rather than what I know should have been done. Thank you.
Do You have any copies of the pics anywhere else? On Facebook? That You sent to friends? On a memory card in a digital camera? Laying randomly around a hard disk? On an old PC You no longer use?

It's time for a scavenger hunt.
