Headphones for PC


Jul 8, 2016
So I have Astro a40s they are comfy however they get dirty and horrible really quick. Astro support is useless and they never have the pads in quick not to mention the sound is meh at best ! I don't have a sound card but I have a high-end motherboard (gigabyte gaming g1). My question is this what would you recommend ? I don't know if surround sound or simulated surround matter (would be nice in my opinion) they HAVE to be Circumaural headphones (around the ear) as anything else causes me pain, build quality must be good leather ear cup preferably however if pads are easily obtainable (last a40 pads I ordered in from America and cost me 20-30 pounds) I know its a lot to ask but countless research on the internet has found me several different opinions so now I come to you.
open or closed design? open is suggested for wide soundstage but isnt noise isolating.

ad500x/700x would be good for a wide soundstage good positional audio treb/mid focused with little bass headphone. should work with your onboard fine in most cases.

hd518/558/598 are a bit more neutral (bit more bass, bit less treble) and more laid back. also should work with your onboard.

given you used pounds, i'm taking it you're uk. beyerdynamic cans are a good price there (i saw them cheaper than audiotechnica/sennheiser). the dt990 or dt880 would be good choices but you WILL want an amplifier for them.

if your onboard audio already has support for virtual, you can use that to give you support. if not, razer has free software or you can get a cheap soundcard to add it.

you didnt list a budget.
closed I need the noise cancelling my house is noisy, I have the Astro mix-amp as well as a pod studio line 6 so i'd rather not have to buy anything more for the headphones. Max spend would be £150 but £200 at a push if they are decent.