Headphones + Mic Vs Headset for Video Games

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Dec 24, 2012
Hey Guys I wanted to know if it was worth investing some money into good headphones and a good mic, I was thinking something like this kind of combo. Headphones: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Audio-Technica-ATH-M50-Monitor-Professional-Headphones/dp/B000ULAP4U/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=3JOYJC76QNQS3&coliid=IM6P8WVDMVCH1
Mic: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Blue-Microphones-Bidirectional-Omnidirectional-Microphone/dp/B002VA464S/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=3JOYJC76QNQS3&coliid=IH6F8A12932XH
Or whether to buy a gaming headset however I have heard that 7.1 gaming headset such as the razer tiamat are pretty gimmicky and not as good as a pair of good stereo headphones and I have heard that Razer surround is a very good virtual surround tool to emulate the surround feel so I was wondering what your guys opinion was on the matter and maybe you can give me some suggestions on what to buy. Thanks!
provided the game and your soundcard support it... you can use virtual surround on any stereo headphone.

i have a pair of m50s and they are certainly great. i've played games with them and my personal preference would be for the quality of sound they offer over any gimmicky "5.1 surround or 7.1 surround" gaming headsets offer. in any case virtual surround is similar in quality.

i dont typically use a mic.... but if i did i would use either a modmic or desk mic like the one you listed (though probably the audiotechnica one)
provided the game and your soundcard support it... you can use virtual surround on any stereo headphone.

i have a pair of m50s and they are certainly great. i've played games with them and my personal preference would be for the quality of sound they offer over any gimmicky "5.1 surround or 7.1 surround" gaming headsets offer. in any case virtual surround is similar in quality.

i dont typically use a mic.... but if i did i would use either a modmic or desk mic like the one you listed (though probably the audiotechnica one)

Thanks Man I took the plunge and bought the M50s and the Yeti with a pop filter for around £210 with next day delivery, quite an investment but hopefully the best for quality.

Yeah I have been researching about this and came across the burn in time and am totally fine with this, thanks man!

Yeah I got them and I think they are great but I dont think razer surround works that well with them but they sound great without any surround.
Even I am planning to buy a gaming heafphone or headset.
But can't decide.
I had selected ath m50 , but I read on other forums that it is not good for gaming.
I will mostly be using battlefield 4 , listening to music on iphone and watching movies.
I am new to this,
Should I go ahead and purchase it or buy something else ?
Need help
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