Headset doesn't work?

Feb 2, 2015
Hello, I am posting because I am using an adapter (http://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Position-Headset-Splitter-Adapter/dp/B00CPEZ4J6/ref=pd_sim_e_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=17PF97Y0XV0K9C8ASZAM) with my hew headset (http://www.amazon.com/SA-708-Stereo-Headphone-Headset-Microphone/dp/B00DU2CHE2/ref=pd_sim_e_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=14K5G3C02HX6A2YPFHG7). Even with the adapter, My laptop does not recognize the microphone. It is not a bluetooth as it is wired, and I can only use the one built into my laptop.

Please Help!
Right on the product page that it may not work with all laptops.

First your laptop has to support audio input and out put in it's 3.5mm jack. In addition it states that it plain will just not work due to impedance mismatch. Hope this info helped.
Right on the product page that it may not work with all laptops.

First your laptop has to support audio input and out put in it's 3.5mm jack. In addition it states that it plain will just not work due to impedance mismatch. Hope this info helped.