headset+ mic for casual gaming + some music


Jul 31, 2017
For years i have been mostly fooled by "gaming" headsets, with maybe great look but so so performance. So i decided to buy a better headset probably studio + portable mic.
I found a way to Audiotechnica ATH-M50X and for mic i have benn sugested with ModMic 4 or a newer version Modmic 5.
I curently own AsRock Fatality B250 Gaming K4 MoBo.
For budget i would like to be it around 200$, it can go higher if needed for better option.
If there is a better heaset or if u have any sugestion around this please let me know, im quite new at this.
If you are looking for a good cheap headset, https://www.amazon.com/Lightweight-Headphones-Spirit-Wolf-Microphone/dp/B01H2YO8ZO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1502092884&sr=8-2-spons&keywords=sades+spirit+wolf+headset+red&psc=1&smid=A1287ZOXUFVVES
These are fairly good, like they are probably the best headphones ive had, the mic is pretty good too but it does pick up background noise with the wrong settings. But if you are looking for a real mic that fits a budget, get this: https://www.amazon.com/Neewer-Professional-Broadcasting-Microphone-Adjustable/dp/B00XOXRTX6/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1502092954&sr=1-1&keywords=neewer+mic

Its what I use and all my friends I game with say it sounds like a mic that costs over 100 dollars. But if you want to spend money and get a gurantee good quality, buy a RODE microphone, really good and very nice sounding.

yes, their main goal will be at my desktop pc, i dont think i will ever take them anywehre else

Then I recommend the DT 770 80 ohms and maybe a soundcard :)

well i'l likely get

what do you think

u think like external soundcard instead of the DAC or?
coz i dont have that kind of space inside my build for like creative sound blaster

I would like to have both the modmic and headphones connected to the same device... so an external soundcard or a DAC with mic input should work wonders.¨

That combo should work great for the price. A great value. I'm a big fan of a USB DAC for headphones. A DAC gives very clean audio with no hiss and half decent amplification. And you can bring it with you to future motherboards. And you don't need to purchase expensive $300+ motherboards just to get the better onboard audio.

The modmic allows you to get a headset while using better quality headphones. A USB gaming headset makees you stuck with their built in DAC and software.

I prefer AKG over the Beyerdynamics.


The K702's for example are open back, but AKG has many closed backs as well. The Beyers have more bass but harsh highs. The AKG's will have less bass but it's a very tight bass. The mid's and highs are very well balanced. They are very well balanced which many people love. Many people claim the Beyer's have too much bass and harsh highs and don't like them. I myself own AKG's and they are very well balanced and not fatiguing at all. I can wear them all day without any excessive bass or harsh highs bothering me.

Some people find the AKG's boring and lack bass. So you would have to try them for yourself to compare.

The AKGs come with a removable mini-xlr cable so it's easily replaceable if broken without any soldering required like on the Beyers. Also AKG comes with velour pads which are super comfy.

The Fioo and Modmic are both great.


well, i prefer closed back not like that it must be but its better for me, still and interesting sugestion, i have 0 experience with AKG so those are like a completely new thing for me.


The reason I got my ATH m50x was because of the detachable cable... do not teach your children to use wire cutters and let them borrow your rig to see childrens videos on youtube 😉 All i can say is that I much prefered the DT 770 over the ath m50x... so maybe go to a hifi store and test and see what you like the best.