Headset microphone making a loud buzz

Mike 777

May 12, 2016

I am currently using a Hyper X Cloud 2 headset and as of yesterday, the microphone isn't working properly anymore.

When I am on Curse, my mic is always open and other people can hear a loud buzz. When I talk, my voice is barely hearable. It does the same thing when i try to use the windows integrated voice recorder. When I go in the playback device list, there is always 2 green bars of sound on the mic even when I don't talk.

When I go on my laptop and use the voice recorder (Windows 7), my voice is clear is there is little to no buzz.

Any ideas?

Would it help if I record the sound it makes and post it here? If yes, how do I post it here?

Thanks in advance

***EDIT: When I touch the pc case with my hand, the buzzing sound goes away.

In theory it could be a grounding issue but it seems odd that would start all of a sudden.


It's a bit confusing at first, but in his case the problem is coming through from the POWER SOURCE, or at least maybe grounding it is CAUSING the issue (ironically in desktops grounding can FIX this issue on some PC's.)

So not sure if that means in the above case if a better AC adapter would help or not.

If wall power vs battery power makes no difference then something else is the cause.

I really do not understand the video above. The laptop is connected to his headphones via USB, however he's not touching them electrically.

He then UNPLUGS the power source and touches it so there's no...
Maybe try uninstalling then reinstalling the latest version of the audio software?

For example with Realtek follow this: http://www.realtek.com/

Then "HD audio codec driver" ... latest file v2.82 is this large for 64-bit: 264424k

If that fails then it may be an issue with the motherboard, unless the connection the microphone uses is USB in which case I would think it's a software problem otherwise a problematic USB connection should be also causing audio problems you can hear with the headphone drivers (drivers in this case are the physical speakers).

I forgot to mention that I already tried that and it didn't work. The headset uses a USB connection.
In theory it could be a grounding issue but it seems odd that would start all of a sudden.


It's a bit confusing at first, but in his case the problem is coming through from the POWER SOURCE, or at least maybe grounding it is CAUSING the issue (ironically in desktops grounding can FIX this issue on some PC's.)

So not sure if that means in the above case if a better AC adapter would help or not.

If wall power vs battery power makes no difference then something else is the cause.

I really do not understand the video above. The laptop is connected to his headphones via USB, however he's not touching them electrically.

He then UNPLUGS the power source and touches it so there's no connection whatsoever between AC power or him to the laptop.. so again the laptop is connected to the headphones but nothing else electrically. WTF?