headset- need to pick one


Nov 19, 2011
Looking for advise on recommended head set; 45-$75 range should get me decent quality for my needs- I have not needed a mic as of yet (I boring). Recommendations are appreciated- just don't want the wife hearing my nerdery.

-Primary use- gaming
-3.5 mm vs. USB- not sure, both are fine by me--- help with this too would be nice fro forum archive knowledge :)
-my head- not too big, read a lot of reviews...... "my dome is huge and these hurt".........

I'd highly recommend this one http://www.amazon.com/SOUL-Ludacris-SL150CB-High-Definition-Headphones/dp/B004Z57WDO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1378987140&sr=8-1&keywords=soul+150cb
it's "on ear" so if your the only one using it then after awhile it'll start to fit your hear perfectly, if you share this headphone it wont be comfortable for quite a while... also this headphone used to cost $200 two years ago, I got one for two months now and it sound amazing, totaly blew my $30 earpods away meaning my earpods sound like trash after using the headphone...
I'd highly recommend this one http://www.amazon.com/SOUL-Ludacris-SL150CB-High-Definition-Headphones/dp/B004Z57WDO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1378987140&sr=8-1&keywords=soul+150cb
it's "on ear" so if your the only one using it then after awhile it'll start to fit your hear perfectly, if you share this headphone it wont be comfortable for quite a while... also this headphone used to cost $200 two years ago, I got one for two months now and it sound amazing, totaly blew my $30 earpods away meaning my earpods sound like trash after using the headphone...

These look too good to pass up- I'll wait until 3rd shift tonight to see if more options are proposed but I think this high quality set is a buy- I have Amazon Prime too, so that's a + in itself on the shipping

thanks a lot so far guys- Steve