Hear me out! Pls!


Feb 12, 2014
I know I'll get poked at a little for this, but it may be worth it.

I have an EVGA GTX 760 2mb w/ACX.
I wanna give SLI a try. Even If there's a better option, I've never tried it and just wanna.

It seems most people will recommend something in the 700w power range for this.

Well I already have a Corsair TX650. It's a solid little PSU.

If I don't OC the GPU's at all, and make sure the power to my i5-3570k is at stock, could I be within safe ranges?
This is my first "real" PC. Everything else has been from best buy's under $500 shelf.
I'm already extremely happy with my graphics, but if I can pick up a slightly used 760 for $150 and go from high to very high on GTA O, I'll be EXTATIC!
Yeah its simple to set up but some games just simply wouldn't work, others developed strange glitches etc. Bf4 fps had a massive increase without vsnc on but one card already plays it maxed smoothly at 60 fps so the second card for me was pointless, plus I had 2gb cards which limited my potential performance increase in a lot of games