Hearts Of Iron IV Desync problem on a good pc

Neil Meurs

Aug 17, 2014
Hello, I have bought HOI IV on steam and I started a battle on it with 1 friend and we keep haviung desync issues. I have a rx 570 4gb, core i3 8100, 8gb ddr4 and 83,50mb/s download speed and 75,30mb/s upload speed. It should be enough to handle the game but I keep having these issues with the game itself. My friend uses a cable so his internet could be faster but is that the problem?

Thnx in advance.
1. check task manager while in game. We search for things that go 100% constantly.
2. direct connection to your friend is also good check (stuff like teamviewer)
3. Check time drift. Unusuall, but if you have blocked NTP server your PC might think its +30 sec and that is instant desync. https://time.is/ on both PC
4. Game settings, make it minimal on both ends, check if it changes anything.
5. https://helpdeskgeek.com/networking/determine-open-and-blocked-ports/

That the game pauses and reupload the save states to everyone in the server. which means that after every 30 seconds you have to wait 10 seconds to go further.


I checked task manager but the game uses 21% of my memory 15% cpu usage, and 1% of my network.
I didn't block NTP server by myself so I don't know how I change that.
game settings are on high but the game is like 100-150 fps or something like that. The game runs oike 60 fps on my friends pc. I need to check your last link if that leads to the answer I need.

Thanks for your time helping me out.