Heat coming from LG monitor?



I have a dekstop computer and an TFT-LCD monitor ,the thing is , in like one hour the room temperature increases considerably , and I can feel it when i touch my face , and also I'm suffering from dry eyes and dry skin from this,.When I touch the monitor (the upper part of the monitor) is not so hot , but if you put your face close to it (like 10 cms from it ) you actually can feel the heat , The monitor doesn't seem to be releasing any hot air ,is it possible that the heat of the monitor could be increasing the room temperature?. ,
I also must add that the city where I live has a dry weather .Please help. Thank you
(Sorry for my bad english)
1) Anything with power releases heat, it's the law of the universe.
2) Your computer probably puts out 5x more heat, and even you probably put out >2x the heat of that monitor (likely more), if anything makes a room hotter it's those two
1) Anything with power releases heat, it's the law of the universe.
2) Your computer probably puts out 5x more heat, and even you probably put out >2x the heat of that monitor (likely more), if anything makes a room hotter it's those two