HEAT CONCERN about dual 680Ms SLI in lappy. Should I be??

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Jan 5, 2013
Hey, guys.

I am looking into buying Sager P3750 with DUAL 680Ms SLI, but I am hearing people say the heat emitted is WAAAAAAAAAAY too high and damage to the lappy will come promptly. Sure it is great at first, but in the long run, will it bite me in the as*???

How long will a lappy with SLI 680Ms last if AT LEAST 4 hours of hardcore gameplay occurs daily?

Should I just get 670MXs SLI? That'll max sh*t out, too, right?
Well with any laptop that would run hot I would get a decent cooler to stick underneath the laptop to try and push away some of that heat. Sager aren't the only ones that make gaming laptops so you may want to look around and find something that gets a bit more reliable reviews in terms of heat.
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