Heat Sink fan ramps up randomly


May 19, 2012
Ok, so i switched the case of my computer. It is in the phantom 410. No hardware was changed in the switch and the CPU never caused this much noise ever. Whenever I launch a game, or even a video on youtube, my cpu fan speed jumps up to 100 for about 5 seconds or (if its a game) stays like that until I quit. Im wondering if anybody knows how to fix this. Would swapping the motherboard be better than getting a new cooler? (the new cooler would be the H100) I have confirmed that the noise is exclusively from the cpu after i accidentally hand stopped it while the sound was really loud (ow). It is a Dell mo-bo and has no chance of going back to the manufacturer since it and the cpu are the only thing that remain the same from the original computer. The cpu and motherboard are only about 7 months old.
I suppose the cooler may have been partially unseated during the move to a new case. Try taking it out and cleaning it thoroughly before reapplying thermal paste and reseating the heatsink.

Already tried that. Used quality thermal paste and made sure to have enough, put equal pressure on opposite sides of heat sink until fully seated

There is no cooling profile in my bios. Stupid Dell bios is only about 10-30% that of an msi or asus bios. I am looking at a new mobo anyway but if i can, ill save some more money and get a better mobo in the future if this is purely a cooler problem