Heat Suggest Issues

Jan 10, 2015
Hello guys I wanted to show you my temps at full load anf you tell me if they are OK or they are very dangerous

my cpu=i5 4690(with boost) at idle is about 34-45 degrees when its full load while gaming like games ac unity or advanced warfare and my cpu is at 85-95% usage I get 59-62 degrees max
GPY=r9 270x at idle it runs around 35-52 at gaming-full load it run as hot as 65-74 and the max is 76
HDD=westerndigital 1 tb caviar blue at load runs at 44-45 degrees
I wanted to ask are those temps dangerous? should I buy extra fans? or are these temps ok for now?

Everything is absolutely fine.

CPU is very safe under 80C
AMD GPU's are very safe under 85C
The hardrive may be slightly higher than average but i wouldn't worry about it...

Everything is absolutely fine.

CPU is very safe under 80C
AMD GPU's are very safe under 85C
The hardrive may be slightly higher than average but i wouldn't worry about it.
Use CrystalDiskInfo to check your Hardrive's health and temperatures.