Heater Core VS PC radiator performance per $$$


Oct 17, 2014
I know this has been ask before and answered across multiple threads around Google, sadly all this thread dates around the 2005 to 2010.

So i was wondering if Heater Core are still worth going for. Note i dont care about the size of if it or if it will fit in the case since i will be doing what this guys did in this thread
regardless if it is a Heater Core or PC radiator

I have heard people saying that Heater Core are better at dissipating heat although needs a stronger pump and Fans. Also heard other people saying pc radiators are better since they are expressly design to work for pc.

I have a 370 Gallon per Hour pump, so the pump isn't a problem for me
i dont know about the fans

will low price fans and pc raditor be better than
heater core and high prices fans?
Id have to say the pc rad is more suited to the job tbh, car/bike rads were a good thing but fpi isnt high and theyre designed for massive airflow, pc rads on the other hand were designed to improve upon the heat exchange principle without the need for 60000cfm fans, cool to do but not as efficient imo
Sorry for delay man, I'd be interested to see you developing this plan as its not something a lot of people would consider, there are very few of us on Toms with the level of crazy and skills required to make something like this happen hehe, Personally I'm all for you doing it so have you thought up any plans yet or are you simply asking for a little 'is it worth the effort' guidance?
I've seen that link a lot over the years and whilst its very shiny, I'd bet its not a patch on some of the radboxes/chillers on here lol


Oct 17, 2014

well im not sure about the skill, but i do think i have the crazy :p

anyways i think it will be the same amount of trouble for both, since im planing on doing a case to put the rad, fan, pump, reservoir, ect. Regardless if i will use a heater core or pc rad (so the mounting wont be a problem. Unlike the ppl that put all the stuff inside the case i rather take them outside, since i feel like im sacrificing that extra space which is need to cool the other components like MoBo, ram stick, HDD and SSD and since i dont have and Air con, and i live in the Tropics, i have a contant 30 - 40c 80 - 95 F.

So the actual question is, which dissipate heats the best
Heater core or PC radiators

sorry, but have to throw in my 02 here - i've got the skillset and tools to build that and just plain wouldn't - way way overkill plus for the time you'd put in making it, sourcing the parts etc, even if you only figured your time at $6 per hour, you'd still be paying way more than pre-built water cooling systems and not surrendering real estate space at your computer station that that behemoth is going to take up. We used to call stuff like this "ruth goldberg" solutions.

plus, would you have the skillset to make sure it's not going to leak and ruin the carpeting, flooring etc of where you're going to put it? or were you planning to plumb it outdoors thru the wall - might as well, considering how much overkill that rig is?

how are you planning to make the heat transfer connection to the cpu? - just having a plate machined to the tolerances most water cooler heat exchanger plates are machined to is going to run some serious coin, on a "one off" job

it's enough of a headache choosing a cooler, why make life more difficult by trying to design / build your own? and at a cost 3 or 4 times what you'd pay for one already designed by someone who had the certifications and experience to do it?

just 02 from an old fart


Oct 17, 2014
To tell u the truth im full time student and im currently on my vacations so i have the spare time to build it, plus i enjoy DIY stuff, specially the design and build part of it (maybe one of the reasons why i study architectures)

and about the money the stuff, i doubt it will turn more expensive doing it my self since im planing on building it with spare things i have around, like the pump and the plywood, the heater core i can try and get it from the auto parts next door and so on

Also forgot to mention i just moved away from the US to a small island and over here there's no place that sell water cooling pieces for pc, so i got to pay extra shipping to get those components. and that shipping isn't that cheap. If the stuff is as heavy as it look there's a chance i could be paying 1.5x the what it really cost
just to machine the base plate that mates up to the CPU is going to run, in machine shop costs + the material what a mid-range cooler would run, or more. when a machine shop has to make one of something, they spend 1-2.5 hours in setting up for the job, and they don't do that free. That's why someone making 100,000 of something enjoys manufacturing efficiency and their cost per unit is low.

Have at it if you're so inclined, but at least do something challenging like using liquid nitrogen or a miniturized heat pump/air conditioning unit -



Oct 17, 2014
wait are u talking about the cpu block?

if your talking about the cpu block, of course i cant do that, i dont have the tools to make something as complicated as a cpu block :/

what i refer to doing myself is the place where im going to put the radiators, fans, pump and reservoir. and by doing my self i mean making a special case to put them all in (just repeating myself to make sure the idea gets through). i want to have everything outside (except for the cpu block which of course needs to be inside attached to the CPU)

The reason why i made this thread is to know which brings better performance using a heater core which is way cheaper or a PC radiator which cost about twice a heater core. is it really worth it to pay that much for a pr radiator instead of heater core
Id have to say the pc rad is more suited to the job tbh, car/bike rads were a good thing but fpi isnt high and theyre designed for massive airflow, pc rads on the other hand were designed to improve upon the heat exchange principle without the need for 60000cfm fans, cool to do but not as efficient imo