HEELP Intel Core i3 3220 vs Intel Core i7 920 ??


May 2, 2013
I have got a rig with 8 GB Ram and gtx 760 with I3 CPU
My Friend wanted to upgrade his PC to make it for gaming (Medium)

So i told him that he just needs to upgrade his RAM and GPU only and not his CPU because he got I7 920 which i think is the same with my I3. Soo because i got an old cpu like his and i can still play the latest games with my GPU with no problems he would be the same

But now that he upgraded his pc with gtx 1060 3gb 8 gb ram and the same old cpu i7 920 he starts a game(fallout 4) and it got low fps after some minutes and then it lags and crashed.. Could that be because i7 is really bad? even worse than my I3??

BTW his PSU is kinda good for 1060 he got corsair 500 watt
i7-920 is still a good processor, 2.66ghz stock and 2.93ghz Turbo, while the i3-3220 @ 3.22ghz stock.

The i3 is probably getting better FPS due to the higher clock speed.

Did you switch on multi-core support within the game?

how old is his PC and what model corsair PSU does he have? Not all corsairs are good PSU, some are not good at all regardless of it's wattage. An i7 920 is decent CPU but certainly getting dated. My wife runs a i7 970 and does quite well in gaming but its also overclocked to 4ghz and has two more cores (six total) and using a pair of GTX 980s in SLI.

Anyways depending on the make, model and age of his PSU its possible its overheating and his performance then suffers. It's also very possible that his stock clocked i7 920 is the issue or it is overheating. How long has it been since he replaced his thermal paste? Hardened paste can cause thermal issues so reapplying fresh paste may help. Again depending on his PSU, motherboard and CPU cooling he may be able to overclock the i7 920. It's usually good for about 4ghz. Anyways I hope some of this helps.
Question from b1l4r4s : "PROBLEM HELP game lags and crashed I7 920 vs I3 3220"


No, but i will try this