Hello i purchased a prebuilt pc


Mar 29, 2017
Hello , I just purchased a prebuilt pc , specs are as follows . Intel I5 6400, graphic is built in as intel HD 530 . And i have pre installed 12 gigs of ram . I'm running windows 10 and i want to upgrade my graphics , is it possible to do that being windows 10 is fussy about adding new hardware ?
Windows 10 isnt fussy about new hardware?

Yeah you need to check some things:
1) do you have a full size pci-e slot available in the case (some very small form factor cases only take single slot and/or low profile card) - if the cases is a normal midi tower size then its probably fine.
2) Check PSU make and model, its not enough for it to say 500w for example.
3) Whats your budget for a graphics card?

i have an HP envy and a 750 watt PSU laying around and about 100 bucks for a GPU

i did that i have full access front to back of case a little over 12 inches and 6 inches wide i have about 5 inches from PCIE slot to bottom on PSU ..nothing in the way HP did a good job inside to keep it clean and for future upgrades even an extra cable for a second drive ..i might go SSD

You would have to install the drivers, but yes for the most part plug and play. No additional power connections needed. That was is specifically a low profile design because it looks like your desktop is quite small. You may want to double check and see if you can fit a normal size version of that card as they are both cheaper and usually can be clocked a little higher.

I got a full 12 inches front to back and from PCIEx16 slot about 7 inched to bottom of PSU Hp did a very good job with placement and extra cables for 2 more hard drives or posibly SSD's when i can afford them

So sounds like you have enough room there, my concern was how tall is the bracket part. Take a look at this picture it does more justice than what I can explain in text. https://www.google.com/search?q=full+size+vs+small+PCI+bracket&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj26ffN1_zSAhVDwmMKHWH2AtAQ_AUIBygC&biw=1280&bih=1316#imgrc=Y2GPzLgVoKf1HM:

Basically you need to know if your PC is a full or low profile size. If it's a full size then I would go with something like this one https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814487295&cm_re=gtx_1050-_-14-487-295-_-Product

I'm actually using that one in my current HTPC.

im going with that 1 it is full size i wont buy small towers anymore just for that reason ..thanks alot you've been very helpful