[Help a noob] Help me decide between these 3 awesome mechanical keyboards


Jul 6, 2013
My priorities (in order)
F keys above numbers (see examples below)
Red switches
Blue back light
Well built
Under $120
Option 1 = Keycool Hero 84 Cherry Red -- https://www.massdrop.com/buy/keycool-hero-84?mode=guest_open
Option 2 = Noppoo Choc Mini 84 Cherry Red -- http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0091QOCNA/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Option 3 = Keycool 84 - Key Blue LED Backlit Mechanical Keyboard (Red Kaihua Kailh) -- http://mechanicalkeyboards.com/shop/index.php?l=product_detail&p=425
All of those keyboard are fine options. While Kailh switches aren't that bad, I'd still recommend going for the Noppoo, as it has cherry mx switches. As for red switches, I'm not a fan, but if you want red switches, I'm assuming you're familiar with the specifications of all switches and you know why you want reds. Another thing to consider, 75% keyboards, the design that all the keyboards you've posted follow, can be difficult to find keysets for. If you have any plans to swap out the keys on your board, keep that in mind.

So, in the end, I'd recommend the Noppoo, if you really want that layout. If you're open to a similar board, I'd look into a cooler master quickfire. They're cheap, well built and have a popular layout that would be easy to find a keyset in. Most come with a black housing, but a few come with a tacky grey housing, branding with Cooler Master's logo in more that once place. This isn't an issue as Cooler Master sells black housings that could replace this and be painted. The storm will offer many more options for customization and runs a bit cheaper, so it's a good keyboard to keep in mind.

Thanks for the reply.

Why are you preferring Cherry MX over the Kailh? Can you link me a review (from a legit source) that identifies the difference. To my knowledge, Kaih feel exactly the same, but just wear out a bit easier (because they aren't made with gold plated springs). This doesn't seem enoguh of a reason for me to miss out on the awesome blue LED backlight offered by the Keycool.

All the other suggestions you offered leave out my #1 priority, so I'm not interested in them.

But as I said before, thanks for the feedback
Can I link you a "legit" source? I can't say I can. As far as I know, no "real" tests have been done on the two. However, many people have listed their opinions. The general consensus on Kailh switches seems to be that they're pretty good, but not as good as a genuine cherry switch. That's what Kailhs are, Cherry MX clones. They're the same, for the most part, and cost less, allowing manufacturers to cut prices on entry level mechanical keyboards. It's like generic cereal and name brand, for lack of a better comparison. So, the deciding factor is what's more important to you? Reliability and feel or aesthetics?

Additional info:


here's a review done by a credible youtuber. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCcAozoLcJo&hd=1

i'm not going to rely on rumors on forums to assess the quality of these new keys. i'm going to look for a actual review.

"the deciding factor is what's more important to you? Reliability and feel or aesthetics?"

it's one thing to argue that these new knock-off switches are not as reliable (because of cheaper components). by "reliable" here I assume you mean how long they last. it's another thing to claim they have a differen feel. this really would make a difference. i need evidence, and objective reviews to look at. i imagine a lot of people buy cherry mx and are amazed by them and then make accusations that these knockoffs are "worse" even though they have no experience with them.



That should help illustrate the differences for you.

As I already said, it's about reliability and feel over aesthetics (in your specific case). Kailh switches are simply cheaper cherry mx clones. That's all there is to it.

As for you doubts about the feel, various users have posted about it on Reddit.


I'd rather trust professional reviewers than random redit posts.

Linus says there's no difference besides quality control. The feel is the same. So does this person.


And this person goes over the differences.