MrAfki1 :
I did that and im getting different reading on different things btw how do i de select ur answer i accidently did that sorry im new
You really need to read this, "An Understanding of Temperature on AMD CPUs and APUs"
My HP desktop with a A10 5800K were reading wild, sometimes very low 0.7C and sometimes flaming hot 286C I was really concerned but knew 286C was impossible, I would have smelled melting components.
The above post explains it all, my Thermal margin never exceeds 25C and I have found no utility that reads the same on my CPU temperatures, but each newer version of HWinFO64 seems to be getting better and more realistic.
I've noticed if I take the CPU DTS temp and subtract from 70C that will be my Thermal Margin on the AMD Overdrive Monitor. Thermal margin is the temperature below maximum temperature.
Try the AMD Overdrive Monitor and be sure to read the above post with link to AMD site to get the Overdrive Monitor, it gives you many control options on your system, if the manufacturer does not have them locked.