Help about GTA 4


Sep 27, 2012
Hi, i had post before about this but people said that they can't help because i have just one copy of the game. I now have two copy of the GTA 4 but i still can't see windows Live when i enter game, so i can't register or login. How can i fix that problem? We both run in that problem and i just can't fix.. i installed Windows Live ID and still wont appear why?! People said i can play it with hamachi.. but that wont work too.. i really don't care if its hamachi or not i just wanna play LAN. A lot of people said that i go to regedit and find Xlive and i don't have it. We both have versions or whatever(i dont remember) Is there a patch where i don't need Xlive and i can play LAN? I had Xlive.dll in my GTA folder and i deleted it if it work like that too, but nothing.. Is there any solution. My bro paid 30E for game but now if he can't play why he spent money? WE just wanted LAN and fun with GTA 4. I made him buy the game but he will be mad if we won't be able to play together. Please any help is great!


Sep 27, 2012
Sorry, but that didn't help me "Peasant". When i did that it said my game said "stopped working please reinstall to fix". Maybe because i installed teknohelpler and some lag fix file that one guy told me. In that time i was trying everything so maybe its cause of that? Any other solutions? And where is gta save foldeR? thanks