Help about OS


Sep 11, 2017
I’m currently running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit on HDD. I’m planning to buy an SSHD because I feel that my HDD have a lot of bad sectors. I’ve already run disk check, system file checker and still my PC freezes when I play dota 2.

My question is, can I still run all of the programs installed on my HDD if I installed Win 10 on the SSHD that I will buy? If not on Win 10, can I just install the same OS which is Win 7 Ultimate?

Thanks for taking time to read :)

Ryzen 3 1300x
Inno3d GTX 1050ti
Hyper X Fury 8GB 2400 Mhz
Corsair 450W PSU

If the current drive has bad...

If you do a new install on a new drive, you can't use the programs currently living on the old HDD.

I think, if you have a bad HDD, it will have no impact on game performance because, if your HDD has bad sector, you will have hard time booting into the system. Furthermore, your game will crash frequently, let alone freezing.
Even if, bad sector of your HDD may have been causing freezes in game, if you buy SSHD, the operating system and the game itself must be stored in SSHD, because the game or the programs must be loaded from the good hard drive.

You can run all the programs through the HDD, but the problem will persists.
Sorry, I’m having trouble sending a reply to everyone but I do appreciate all of your suggestions.

I’ll check the health of my HDD later once I’m home and will post a screenshot.

Sometimes, after booting to Windows. I can’t click on taskbar and all of the icons looks like a paper. I need to wait for about 5 mins for everything to work.

I think I’ll clone everything from my HDD to the SSHD. I’m planning to do a partition solely for the OS because I was not able to do it on HDD. Can I clone the OS into that partition and after that, clone the programs into another partition? Sorry, I feel it’s a silly question.

Also, may I ask for a good cloning software and how to do it? (A link will do)

Thank you

If the current drive has bad sectors, a clone operation probably won't work. It will get to that part of the drive and choke.

But, you can try it.
Specific steps for a successful clone operation:
Verify the actual used space on the current drive is significantly below the size of the new SSD
Download and install Macrium Reflect (or Samsung Data Migration, if a Samsung SSD)
Power off
Disconnect ALL drives except the current C and the new SSD
Power up
Run the Macrium Reflect (or Samsung Data Migration)
Select ALL the partitions on the existing C drive
Click the 'Clone' button
Wait until it is done
When it finishes, power off
Disconnect ALL drives except for the new SSD
This is to allow the system to try to boot from ONLY the SSD
Swap the SATA cables around so that the new drive is connected to the same SATA port as the old drive
Power up, and verify the BIOS boot order
If good, continue the power up

It should boot from the new drive, just like the old drive.
Maybe reboot a time or two, just to make sure.

If it works, and it should, all is good.

Later, reconnect the old drive and wipe as necessary.
Delete the 450MB Recovery Partition, here:

Here are the screenshots.



Thanks :)

May I ask if I can still clone this?

Try it. See what happens.
If it works, great.
If it fails, you've lost nothing by trying.
Try it. Cloning pending sectors may become problematic. This depends on, how particular cloning software handles it.
Cloning process may fail, may hang. Also - cloning software may have configuration options to ignore sectors, it can't read.

Not sure, how Macrium Reflect handles such situations.