Help about pc upgrade

Feb 20, 2018
I5 7500
Msi Gaming X GTX 1050 ti
B250m gaming pro (msi)
LC Power 500w psu
8gb hyper x fury ddr4 2400mhz
1tb wd blue 64mb 7200rpm
What I should upgrade on my pc to improve perfomance for gaming (tight on budget)
Should I get ssd or more ram ? / and if you think a ssd recommend me good one 🙂

I also need recommendation for gaming case cause my current one is not even for gaming.

[two posts merged - - - - Moderator]
Between RAM and SSD, SSD will give far more noticeable difference in form of considerably faster loading times. And that is not only for games but for everything else too, e.g system boot up and shut down times, file read times etc.

Good SSD to go for is Samsung 850 Evo. 250GB in size the most common size used as an OS drive with room for games,

My Haswell build (full specs with pics in my sig) also has 850 Evo as an OS drive but mine is 500GB in size.

Though, for gaming aspect, biggest jump in performance would be GPU. While GTX 1050 Ti can do medium settings @ 1080p, GTX 1060 can do ultra settings @ 1080p with solid 60+ FPS. But the downside is...
Between RAM and SSD, SSD will give far more noticeable difference in form of considerably faster loading times. And that is not only for games but for everything else too, e.g system boot up and shut down times, file read times etc.

Good SSD to go for is Samsung 850 Evo. 250GB in size the most common size used as an OS drive with room for games,

My Haswell build (full specs with pics in my sig) also has 850 Evo as an OS drive but mine is 500GB in size.

Though, for gaming aspect, biggest jump in performance would be GPU. While GTX 1050 Ti can do medium settings @ 1080p, GTX 1060 can do ultra settings @ 1080p with solid 60+ FPS. But the downside is that the GPU prices are currently through the roof.

Additional RAM helps too but won't give as noticeable difference in gaming as SSD would give. Extra RAM is handy if you play games that require 6+ GB of RAM or when you have lot of bloatware hogging your 8GB of RAM, leaving less for the game.

With your build, i'd go with SSD and make it out of the OS drive. While keep gaming on ultra@720p or medium@1080p.

As far as PC case goes, that's completely a personal choice. Fancy gaming themed case won't give any performance but it gives plenty of eyecandy. Without knowing your taste regarding PC cases, i can't suggest you which one to look for (e.g plain, fancy, acrylic side panel, TG side panel, small, big etc).
I, personally, like my PC to look fancy and i love bigger cases. That's why my Skylake and Haswell builds also sit in a full-tower ATX cases and i've created light show inside my PCs with addressable LEDs. Full specs with pics in my sig.
What I should upgrade on my pc to improve perfomance for gaming (tight on budget)

Just for gaming it depends on the budget.
Cheapest that will not really help right now but in a few games is memory it might help more in the future.
Most expensive Video card the prices are crazy right now.
As you said to help your gaming performance a SSD will not really help in game performance other than load times. To me a quicker load time is not really a performance gain.

For a gaming case they are no gaming cases. All a case must do is hold your parts and have adequate cooling.